how it all began...
“Sneakily one night I asked the question “if you had to choose who you married right now, who would it be?” I waited in a couple minutes of suspense and finally got Taylor’s text back...
McKenna and Taylor’s friendship planted its roots back in middle school during a summer camp after a jump scare from behind a rock from an unfamiliar face led to the two realizing they had the same type of humor and quickly became best friends!
“Taylor and I met at a summer camp in middle school. The summer camp was on the beach so a group of friends went to go walk on the beach. There is a giant rock that over looks the ocean, and Taylor (having never met me) jumped out from behind the rock and scared me. We were best friends ever since and started dating after that week.”
After they began dating, still living a couple cities apart, staying in touch via text message was the easiest way to communicate and they came up with a game to get to know each other better. One night, McKenna asked a question, unsure of the response she may get.
“When Taylor and I were in middle school still living a couple cities apart we played this game over text that we creatively named “the question game.” Basically a game where the other person could ask anything they wanted and you absolutely had to respond. Sneakily one night I asked the question “if you had to choose who you married right now, who would it be?” I waited in a couple minutes of suspense and finally got Taylor’s text back saying “I guess I would choose you!”